
Egzystencjalna Rzeźnia [Yellow]
16 czerwca 2015
A History Of Rock Music In Ukrainian
2 września 2015

That Ska Beat ! 1962 To 1966


Skatalites, D.Drummond, T.McCook… / Jewel Case

Pozostało tylko: 2

SKU: 5060135761363 Kategorie: , Tagi:
artysta: V/A
wydawnictwo: Voice Of Jamaica
numer katalogowy: VOJCD 001

1 – Skatalites, The Ska Boo Da Ba
2 –Don Drummond & Skatalites, The Confucious
3 –Lyn Taitt & The Boys* Storm Warning
4 –Tommy McCook & His Ska-Talites* Alley Cat Ska
5 –Theophilus Beckford Trench Town People
6 –Theophilus Beckford Walking Down King Street
7 –Johnny ‘Dizzy’ Moore* South China Sea
8 –Skatalites, The Ringo
9 –Roland Alphonso & His Ska-Talites* Nuclear Weapon
10 –Lyn Taitt* & Baba Brooks Band, The Magnificent Ska
11 –Daniel Johnson Come On My People
12 –Tenor Twins, The Hit You Let You Feel It
13 –Don Drummond & Skatalites, The The Re-Burial
14 –Lloyd Clarke Love Me Or Leave Me

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