Wirus Międzynarodowy
2 listopada 2016
Elite Feline
4 listopada 2016Debiutancki album tria Zimpel, Zemler oraz Dys to trzy potężne kompozycje, które zostały podzielone na siedem indeksów – jedynka na dwa, natomiast trójka na cztery segmenty. To tak gwoli wyjaśnienia, bowiem nieczęsto mamy do czynienia z podobnymi sytuacjami. W każdym razie debiut formacji zaliczam jak najbardziej na plus, gdyż serwowany przez LAM minimalistyczny noise-kraut-jazz non stop uwodzi, czaruje, często hipnotyzuje, natomiast przenikliwe wyładowania zimplowego saksofonu nierzadko działają na mnie niczym uderzenia obuchem w tył głowy. Pozostaję jednak nienasycony, gdyż wydaje mi się, że można było wycisnąć z tego jeszcze więcej. A może po prostu chodzi o kompozycyjną wyrazistość? Nie narzekam jednak zbyt mocno, bo "LAM 2" jest lepsze niż cokolwiek na trzynastce Supersilent, a to niemałe osiągnięcie. Spuentuję to wszystko w koherentny sposób: udana próba!
(Jacek Marczuk – Porcys)
1 LAM 1 (Part One) 3:28
2 LAM 1 (Part Two) 10:05
3 LAM 2 10:29
4 LAM 3 (Part One) 9:42
5 LAM 3 (Part Two) 8:20
6 LAM 3 (Part Three) 3:24
7 LAM 3 (Part Four) 3:43
Clarinet – Wacław Zimpel
Drum – Hubert Zemler
Piano – Krzysztof Dys
“LAM” is a debut album from a trio of improvising musicians led by Wacław Zimpel.
“Ever since Hera disbanded I haven’t had a working band”, says Zimpel. “There were only international ensembles that I could play with on the occasions and that’s how LAM came into life. I invited musicians that have similar backgrounds to mine – we all studied classical composition, we played jazz and later on opened up to other genres. Thanks to this we have a common understanding of music. The name was suggested by my wife Sara”, he adds. Musicians mentioned by Zimpel are: pianist Krzysztof Dys and drummer and percussionist Hubert Zemler (Slalom, Horny Trees).
Compositions that ended up on “LAM” are somewhat older that those from Zimpel’s first solo album “Lines”, released by Instant Classic in early 2016. “LAM makes use of longer forms that are common in trance music”, explains Zimpel. “But this time post-production was even more important, visibly overshadowing minimalism as a major inspiration. I am currently planning LAM’s next incarnation that will make more use of sounds created by my producer mooryc.”
Although crafted with a special attention to details, LAM’s album has its roots in improvised sessions that trio held before entering the studio. “I recorded those meetings with an intention to eliminate potential flows. Complete compositions appeared only after we met in the studio”, recalls Wacław. “Overall, we spent three days at Tonn Studio located in Łódź. It’s my favourite one, a very inspiring spot where you can concentrate on your work without any distractions. Most of the tracks were laid directly to tape and then found their way to mooryc’s studio where he added electronics.”
“mooryc suggested a different approach to our music and so they gained both depth and new spaces that we couldn’t reach before. Based on this we decided to alter the track-listing, dividing compositions into smaller entities that facilitate listening experience”, adds Zimpel.
Recorded at Tonn Studio in Łódź on March 29,30,31 2015.
Clarinet [Bb Clarinet], Alto Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Reeds [Tarogato], Composed By – Wacław Zimpel
Composed By – Mooryc (tracks: 1, 7)
Drums, Metallophone – Hubert Zemler
Mastered By – Norman Nitzsche
Piano – Krzysztof Dys
Producer [Production], Electronics, Mixed By – Mooryc
Recorded By – Krzysztof Tonn, Maciej Staniecki, Sebastian Witkowski
Rok wydania | |
Nośnik | |
Nośnik [ilość] | 1 |
Rodzaj wydania | ORIGINAL |
Rok nagrania | 2016 |
Dźwięk | STEREO |
Opakowanie | DIGIPACK |
Bonus | Waclaw Zimpel, Krzysztof Dys, Hubert Zemler |
- 1. LAM 1 (Part One)00:03:28
- 2. LAM 1 (Part Two)00:10:05
- 3. LAM 200:10:29
- 4. LAM 3 (Part One)00:09:42
- 5. LAM 3 (Part Two)00:08:20
- 6. LAM 3 (Part Three)00:03:24
- 7. LAM 3 (Part Four)00:03:43