17 czerwca 2015High Octane Thrash
30.00 zł
Jewel Case
Pozostało tylko: 2
1 Lick no wounds, just taste the blood 2 Bring me his head
3 Washboard stomach obedience
4 Multinational deadcamp
5 Freedom is mine
6 Modern war pacifist
7 Use it like hard drugs
8 Not my cup of tea
9 Civilise us
10 Lost to us forever
11 Nothing left to bite
12 Face first
13 Paper cuts
14 Idealogical suicide
15 No own will
16 Desolate realm
17 Last gasp enterprizes
18 Modern killings
19 Fried horror
20 What cows like to chew
21 Productive minutes
22 Scene rituals
23 Give me a reason
24 Exotic dirt
25 Moral slide
26 Got a brand new kalasjnikof
27 Supreme society
28 Authority and obedience
29 Sense of freedom
30 Institutional mentality
31 Under the chainsaw
32 VFW