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16 lutego 2018
20 lutego 2018

The Kid


2LP, 12″, 33 1/3 RPM, Black Vinyl, Gatefold

Pozostało tylko: 4

SKU: 0616892496946 Kategorie: , Tagi:
wydawnictwo: Western Vinyl
numer katalogowy: WV170

Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith całe lata spędziła na obcowaniu z naturą w północno-zachodnim regionie stanu Waszyngton. Sama opisuje je jako najbardziej spokojne i magiczne miejsce w jakimkolwiek była.

Być może dlatego jej nowa płyta to świat syntetycznego dźwięku rodzący się z głębokiej czci dla naturalnego świata.


In 2017, the musical term “electronic” is nearly obsolete given the ubiquity of computerized processes in producing music. Even so, the prevailing assumption is that musicians working under this broad umbrella must be inspired by concepts equally as electrified as their equipment. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith has demonstrated in her still-blooming discography that this notion couldn’t be further from the truth, and that more often than not, rich worlds of synthesized sound are born from deep reverence of the natural world. Smith (who by no coincidence, cites naturalist David Attenborough as a contemporary muse) has embodied such an appreciation on The Kid in as direct and sincere a way as possible by sonically charting the phases of life itself. The album, which punctually follows up her 2016 breakthrough EARS, chronicles four defining cognitive and emotional stages of the human lifespan across four sides of a double LP.


Recorded at Touchtheplants Studio in Glendale, CA

Illustration – Rob Moss Wilson

Mastered By – Emily Lazar

Performer [Quartet] – Stargaze

Photography By – Tim Saccenti

Typography [Lettering], Design – Alex Trochut

Written-By [Quartet], Arranged By [Quartet] – Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith

Written-By, Composed By, Performer, Recorded By, Mixed By – Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith

Rok wydania


Nośnik [ilość]


Rodzaj wydania


Rok nagrania






Nagrane strony





33 1/3 RPM


140 GRAM / 12"

Includes download co





The Kid [LP 12″]

  • A 1. I Am A Thought
  • A 2. An Intention
  • A 3. A Kid
  • A 4. In The World
  • B 1. I Am Consumed
  • B 2. In The World, But Not Of The World
  • B 3. I Am Learning
  • B 4. To Follow & Lead

The Kid [LP 12″]

  • C 1. Until I Remember
  • C 2. Who I Am & Why I Am Where I Am
  • D 1. I Am Curious, I Care
  • D 2. I Will Make Room For You
  • D 3. To Feel Your Best

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