

CD, Digipack

Pozostało tylko: 5

SKU: 0657481104620 Kategorie: , Tagi:
artysta: The Skints
wydawnictwo: Easy Star Records
numer katalogowy: ES-1046

FM to trzecie pełnometrażowe wydawnictwo The Skints, album koncepcyjny, który jest wyrazem szacunku dla brytyjskiej kultury radiowej, którą zespół uwielbia. Wyprodukowany przez zespół z Prince Fatty.


Dorastali słuchając wielu różnych stylów i dźwięków, FM jest hołdem Skints dla kultury radiowej – przechodząc od bulgoczącego brzmienia brudu i garażu do letniego dźwiękowego reggae, roots, dancehall i punka, grupa z East London zabiera słuchaczy w podróż po podziemnej kulturze stolicy.

Na albumie jest także mnóstwo ekscytujących gości, w tym legendy reggae Tippa Irie i Horseman, grime MC Rival, oraz nawet zaskakujący wokal komediowy Rufusa Hounda.


FM is the third full-length release by The Skints is a concept album paying respect to the UK radio culture the band loves. Produced by the band with Prince Fatty, it includes guest appearances by Horseman, Tippa Irie, and grime MC Rival.


Set on the hottest day in the city on record at imaginary London pirate radio station The Big FM / Frequency Murderation (103.Skints), FM is inspired by a time when the young Skints used to drive around in guitarist Josh Waters Rudge’€™s car, tuning in to the radio and trying to find new music. Pulling from various influences ingrained in the group while growing up listening to a number of different styles and sounds, FM is The Skints’€™ fitting tribute to the radio culture they love as music fans. Progressing through the bubbling sound of grime and garage to summertime sound system reggae, roots, dancehall, traditional rocksteady, Motown soul and punk, the East London-based group takes listeners on a whistle-stop tour of the capitol’s underground culture in their latest venture.

With Prince Fatty back in the producer’s chair adding his signature take on the genre, the album also features a host of exciting guests including reggae legends Tippa Irie and Horseman, grime MC Rival (all playing alter-ego roles as the station’s DJs), and even a surprise vocal cameo by comedian Rufus Hound. FM debuted at #51 in the U.K. album charts.


“The Skints are equal part The Specials, The Dead 60’s and Prince Fatty – with a slathering of Roots Manuva and Lily Allen tossed in. I can’t say enough good things about this release.” — The Pier

“The Skints’ new album, FM is killer… Marcia Richards’ voice is soothing and her vocal runs are not only remarkable, but they’re easy to get lost in… The overall sound that The Skints have captured is able to transcend genre… an incredibly easy and fun listen.” — Prelude Press

“A must-listen.” — Half Beat Magazine


* Licensed From – Penny Drop Recordings

* Recorded At – The Ironworks

* Recorded At – Middle Farm Studios

* Mixed At – Fatty's Zungaworks

* Mastered At – 1-Sonic Productions


* Art Direction, Design, Layout – Chris Warsop

* Bass – Jonathan Doyle (3)

* Producer – Peter Miles (tracks: A7 to A8, B5, B7), Prince Fatty

* Producer, Mixed By – Prince Fatty

* Recorded By [Additional Vocal Recording] – James Bragg (tracks: A7 to A8, B5, B7), Jerome Hill

* Recorded By [Additional Vocal Recording], Mastered By – Max Gilkes

* Vocals, Drums – Jamie Kyriakides

* Vocals, Guitar – Joshua Waters Rudge

* Vocals, Organ, Piano, Synth, Flute, Melodica – Marcia Richards

* Written-By – The Skints


1 grudnia 2017
5 grudnia 2017